At Bright Medico, we understand the importance of having well-organized and concise 1st Semester Applied Psychology Notes that effectively summarize complex psychological concepts. Our course notes are designed to provide you with a clear understanding of the subject matter, enabling you to excel in your studies and examinations. Are you studying Applied Psychology in your 1st semester? Look no further! Bright Medico offers comprehensive course notes that cover all the essential topics, theories, and practical applications in 1st Semester of Applied Psychology Notes. Our expertly crafted notes are fully optimized for search engines, ensuring easy access and improved academic performance.
ALL UNIT OF Applied Psychology Notes
Describe the scope, branches, and significance of psychology in nursing.
- Meaning of Psychology 1SSues
- Development of psychology – Scope, branches, and methods of psychology
- Relationship with other subjects
- Significance of psychology in nursing
- Applied psychology to solve everyday
Biological basis of behavior Introduction.
- Body-mind relationship
- Genetics and behavior
- Inheritance of behavior.
- Brain and behavior
- Psychology and sensation- sensory
process -normal and abnormal
Mental health and mental hygiene
- Concept of mental health and mental hygiene
- Characteristic of a mentally healthy person
- Warning signs of poor mental health
- Promotive and preventive mental
- health strategies and Services
- Defense mechanism and its implication
- Frustration and conflict- types of
- conflicts and measurements to Overcome
- Role of Nurse in reducing frustration
- and conflict and enhancing coping
Unit -11
Developmental psychology
- Psychological needs of various groups
- in health and sickness- Infancy,
- childhood, adolescence, adulthood and old age
- Introduction to child psychology and
- role of a nurse in meeting the
- psychological needs of children
- Psychology of vulnerable individuals
- challenged, women, sick, etc.
- Role of the nurse with vulnerable group
- Meaning, the definition of personality
- Classification of personality
- Measurement and evaluation of
- personality-Introduction
- Alteration in personality
- Role of nurse in identification of
- individual personality and
- improvement in altered personality
Cognitive process
- Attention- definition, types, determinants, duration, degree and
- alteration in attention
- Perception – Meaning of Perception, principles, factor affecting perception,
- Intelligence – Meaning of intelligence Effect of heredity and environment in
- intelligence, classification, Introduction to measurement of
- intelligence tests – Mental deficiencies
- Learning -Definition of learning, types of learning, Factors influencing
- learning – Learning process, Habit formation
- Memory-meaning and nature of memory, factors influencing memory,
- methods to improve memory, forgetting
- Thinking- types, level, reasoning and problem-solving.
- Aptitude- concept, types, individual differences and variability
- Psychometric assessment of cognitive processes-Introduction
- Alteration in cognitive processes
Motivation and emotional processes
- Motivation- meaning, concept, types, theories of motivation, motivation
- cycle, biological and special motives Emotions – Meaning of emotions,
- development of emotions, alteration of emotion, emotions in sickness
- handling emotions in self and other Stress and adaptation- stress, stressor,
- cycle, effect, adaptation and coping Attitudes – Meaning of attitudes,
- nature, factor affecting attitude, attitudinal change, Role of attitude in
- health and sickness Psychometric assessment of emotions
- and attitude-Introduction Role of nurse in caring for the emotionally sick client
Psychological Assessment and tests introduction
Types, development, characteristics, principles, uses, interpretation
Role of nurse in Psychological assessment
Application of soft skill
- Concept of soft skill Types of soft skills are visual, aural and
- communication skill The way of communication
- Building relationships with clients and society
- Interpersonal Relationships (PR):
- Definition, Types, and Purposes, Interpersonal skills, Barriers,
- Strategies to overcome barriers
- Survival strategies- managing time, coping with stress, resilience, work-life
- balance Applying soft skills to the workplace and society Use of soft skills in nursing
- Dimensions of self-empowerment Self-empowerment development
- Importance of women’s empowerment in society
- Professional etiquette and personal grooming
- Role of nurse in empowering other