2nd sem Community Health Nursing Notes

Welcome to your gateway to the world of Community Health Nursing, 2nd semester edition. We’re delighted to have you here as we embark on this educational journey together. 2nd sem Community Health Nursing Notes is a dynamic and vital field that plays a pivotal role in promoting health, preventing disease, and improving the well-being of communities. These notes have been carefully crafted to provide you with the knowledge, skills, and insights needed to excel in this discipline. Whether you’re a student aspiring to make a difference in community healthcare or a professional seeking to expand your expertise, you’re in the right place. Let’s dive into the fascinating realm of Community Health Nursing and discover the transformative impact it can have on individuals and communities alike.

2nd sem Community Health Nursing Notes  . bright medico notes


Concepts of Community Health and Community Health Nursing

  • Definition of public health, community health, and community health nursing
  • Public health in India and its evolution and Scope of community health nursing
  • Concepts of Health & Illness/Disease Definition, dimensions and determinants of health and disease
  • Natural history of disease Levels of prevention Primary, Secondary & tertiary prevention Review C Health problems (Profile) of India


Health Care Planning and Organization of Health Care at various levels

  • Health planning steps Health planning in India various committees and commissions on health and family welfare and Five-year plans Participation of community and stakeholders in health planning Health care delivery system in India Infrastructure and Health sectors, Delivery of Health Services at sub-center (SC)PHC, CHC, District level, state level and national level, Sustainable development goals (SDGs),
  • Primary Health Care and Comprehensive Primary Health Care (CPHC elements, and principles through SC/Health Wellness Center (HWC)
  • National Health Care Policies and Regulations National Health Policy (1983, 2002, 2017)
    National Health Mission (NHM): National Rural
    Health Mission (NRHM), National
    Urban Health Mission (NUHM), NHM
    National Health Protection Mission (NHPM)
    Ayushman Bharat
    Universal Health Coverage


Environmental Science, Environmental Health, and Sanitation

  • Natural resources: Renewable and non renewable resources, natural resources and associated problems
    Forest resources, water resources, mineral resources, food resources, energy resources and land resources

  • Role of individuals in conservation of natural resources, and equitable use of resources for sustainable lifestyles

  • Ecosystem: Concept, structure and functions of ecosystems, Types & Characteristics- Forest ecosystem, Grassland ecosystem, Desert ecosystem, Aquatic ecosystem, Energy flow in an ecosystem

  • Biodiversity: classification, value of bio-diversity, threats to biodiversity, conservation of biodiversity
  • Environmental pollution: Introduction, Causes, effects and control
    measures of: Air pollution, Water pollution, Soil pollution, Marine pollution, Noise pollution, Thermal pollution, nuclear hazards & their impact on health

  • Climate change, global warming-eg. heat wave, acid rain, ozone layer depletion, wasteland reclamation & its impact on health Social issues and environment: sustainable development, urban problems related to energy, water and environmental ethics Acts related to environmental protection and preservation
    Environmental health & Sanitation Concept of environment health and sanitation

  • Concept of safe water, sources of water, waterborne diseases, water purification processes, household purification of water Physical and chemical standards of drinking water quality and tests for assessing bacteriological quality of

  • Concepts of water conservation-rain water harvesting and water shed management Concept of Pollution prevention Air & noise pollution Role of nurse in prevention of pollution Solid waste management, human excreta disposal &
    management and sewage disposal and management Commonly used insecticides and pesticides


Nutrition Assessment and Nutrition Education

  • Concepts, types Meal planning -aims, steps & diet plan for different age groups Nutrition assessment of individuals,
    families and community by using appropriate methods

  • Planning suitable diets for individuals and families according to local availability of foods, dietary habits, and economic status

  • General nutritional advice Nutrition education purpose, principles & methods, and Rehabilitation

  • Nutritional deficiency disorders National nutritional policy & programs in India.

  • Food Borne Diseases and Food Safety Foodborne diseases Definition, & burden, Causes, and classification Signs & Symptoms Transmission of foodborne pathogens & toxins
    Early identification, initial management, and referral

  • Food poisoning & food intoxication Epidemiological features/clinical characteristics, Types of food poisoning Food intoxication features, preventive & control measures Public health response to foodborne diseases

  • Food safety Definition, Food safety considerations & measures Food safety regulatory measures in India Relevant Acts Five keys to safer food Food storage, food handling and cooking General principles of
  • Food storage of food items (e.g. milk, meat) Role of food handlers in food borne diseases Essential steps in safe cooking practices


Communication management and Health Education

  • Behaviour change communication skills communication Human behaviour Health belief model-concepts & definition, ways to influence behaviour Steps of behaviour change Techniques of behaviour change Guiding principles in planning BCC activity Steps of BCC Social and Behaviour Change Communication strategies (SBCC) techniques to collect social history from clients Barriers to effective communication, and methods to Overcome them
  • Health promotion and Health education methods/techniqueS, and audio-visual aids

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