Completely Notes Of Microbiology

Unit -1


  • Importance and relevance to nursing
  • Historical perspective
  • Concepts and terminology
  • Principles of microbiology

Unit -2

General characteristics of Microbes

  • Structure and classification of
  • Microbes
  •  Morphological types
  •  Size and form of bacteria
  •  Motility
  •  Colonization
  •  Growth and nutrition of microbes
  •  Temperature
  •  Moisture
  •  Blood and body fluids
  •  Laboratory methods for
  • Identification of Microorganisms
    Types of Staining – simple, differential (Gram‘s, AFB), special – capsular staining (negative), spore,
    LPCB, KOH mount.
  • Culture and media preparation – solid and liquid. Types of media – semi-synthetic, synthetic, enriched, enrichment, selective, and differential media. Pure culture techniques – tube dilution, pour, spread, streak plate. Anaerobic cultivation of bacteria


Pathogenic organisms

  • Micro-organisms: Cocci – gram
  • positive and gram-negative; Bacilli –
  • gram-positive and gram-negative
  • Viruses
  • Fungi: Superficial and Deep mycoses
  • Parasites
  • Rodents & Vectors
  • Characteristics, Source, portal of entry, transmission of infection, Identification of disease-producing micro-organisms

Unit -4


 Immunity: Types, classification
 Antigen and antibody reaction
 Hypersensitivity reactions
 Serological tests
 Immunoglobulins: Structure, types & properties
 Vaccines: Types & classification, storage and handling, cold chain, Immunization for various diseases
 Immunization Schedule