“Welcome to our 3rd SEM APPLIED MICROBIOLOGY NOTES! Dive into the world of applied microbiology with curated notes tailored to your academic journey. Explore essential concepts, gain insights into practical applications, and elevate your understanding of the intricate microbial world. Whether you’re a nursing student or a microbiology enthusiast, this resource is designed to enhance your learning experience. Start your exploration now and empower yourself with knowledge!”
Completely Notes Of Microbiology
Unit -1
- Importance and relevance to nursing
- Historical perspective
- Concepts and terminology
- Principles of microbiology
Unit -2
General characteristics of Microbes
- Structure and classification of
- Microbes
- ļ· Morphological types
- ļ· Size and form of bacteria
- ļ· Motility
- ļ· Colonization
- ļ· Growth and nutrition of microbes
- ļ· Temperature
- ļ· Moisture
- ļ· Blood and body fluids
- ļ· Laboratory methods for
- Identification of Microorganisms
Types of Staining ā simple, differential (Gramās, AFB), special ā capsular staining (negative), spore,
LPCB, KOH mount. - Culture and media preparation ā solid and liquid. Types of media ā semi-synthetic, synthetic, enriched, enrichment, selective, and differential media. Pure culture techniques ā tube dilution, pour, spread, streak plate. Anaerobic cultivation of bacteria
Pathogenic organisms
- Micro-organisms: Cocci ā gram
- positive and gram-negative; Bacilli ā
- gram-positive and gram-negative
- Viruses
- Fungi: Superficial and Deep mycoses
- Parasites
- Rodents & Vectors
- Characteristics, Source, portal of entry, transmission of infection, Identification of disease-producing micro-organisms
Unit -4
ļ· Immunity: Types, classification
ļ· Antigen and antibody reaction
ļ· Hypersensitivity reactions
ļ· Serological tests
ļ· Immunoglobulins: Structure, types & properties
ļ· Vaccines: Types & classification, storage and handling, cold chain, Immunization for various diseases
ļ· Immunization Schedule
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