bright medico notes
3rd semester microbiology notes

Welcome to our dedicated page for3rd SEMESTER INFECTION CONTROL & SAFETY NOTES Here, you’ll find everything you need to excel in understanding and implementing infection control protocols and safety measures in healthcare settings. Dive into our meticulously crafted PDF notes designed to equip you with comprehensive knowledge and practical insights essential for your academic and professional journey. Whether you’re a nursing student or a healthcare professional, these notes are your key to mastering infection control principles and ensuring a safe environment for patients and providers alike. Get ready to elevate your learning experience and embark on a path toward excellence in infection control and safety. Welcome aboard!


Unit- 1

HAI (Hospital-acquired Infection)
ļ‚· Hospital-acquired infection
ļ‚· Bundle approach

  • Prevention of Urinary Tract Infection (UTI)
  • Prevention of Surgical Site Infection (SSI)
  • Prevention of Ventilator
  • Associated events (VAE)
  • Prevention of Central Line Associated Blood Stream
    Infection (CLABSI) Surveillance of HAI ā€“ Infection
    control team & Infection control committee

Unit- 2

Isolation Precautions and use of
Personal Protective Equipment
ļ‚· Types of isolation systems, standard
precaution and transmission-based
precautions (Direct Contact,
Droplet, Indirect)
ļ‚· Epidemiology & Infection
prevention ā€“ CDC guidelines
ļ‚· Effective use of PPE

Unit- 3

Hand Hygiene
ļ‚· Types of Hand Hygiene.
ļ‚· Hand washing and use of alcohol hand rub
ļ‚· Moments of Hand Hygiene
ļ‚· WHO hand hygiene promotion

Unit- 4

Disinfection and sterilization

ļ‚· Types of disinfection and sterilization
ļ‚· Environment cleaning
ļ‚· Equipment Cleaning
ļ‚· Guides on the use of disinfectants
ļ‚· Spauldingā€˜s principle

Unit- 5

Specimen Collection (Review)
ļ‚· Principle of specimen collection
ļ‚· Types of specimens
ļ‚· Collection techniques and special considerations
ļ‚· Appropriate containers
ļ‚· Transportation of the sample
ļ‚· Staff precautions in handling specimens

Unit- 6

BMW (Bio Medical Waste Management)
Laundry management process and infection control and prevention

Waste management process and
infection prevention
ļ‚· Staff precautions
ļ‚· Laundry management
ļ‚· Country ordinance and BMW National guidelines 2017:
Segregation of wastes, Colour coded waste containers, waste collection & storage, Packaging & labeling, Transportation

Unit- 7

Antibiotic stewardship
ļ‚· Importance of Antibiotic Stewardship
ļ‚· Anti-Microbial Resistance
ļ‚· Prevention of MRSA, MDRO in healthcare setting

Unit- 8

Patient Safety Indicators
ļ‚· Care of Vulnerable patients
ļ‚· Prevention of Iatrogenic injury
ļ‚· Care of lines, drains and tubingā€˜s
ļ‚· Restrain policy and care ā€“ Physical and Chemical
ļ‚· Blood & blood transfusion policy
ļ‚· Prevention of IV Complication
ļ‚· Prevention of Fall
ļ‚· Prevention of DVT
ļ‚· Shifting and transporting of patients
ļ‚· Surgical safety
ļ‚· Care coordination event related to medication reconciliation and administration
ļ‚· Prevention of communication errors
ļ‚· Prevention of HAI
ļ‚· Documentation Incidents and adverse Events
ļ‚· Capturing of incidents
ļ‚· RCA (Root Cause Analysis)
ļ‚· CAPA (Corrective and Preventive Action)
ļ‚· Report writing

Unit- 9

IPSG (International Patient safety Goals)
ļ‚· Identify patient correctly
ļ‚· Improve effective communication
ļ‚· Improve the safety of High Alert medication
ļ‚· Ensure safe surgery
ļ‚· Reduce the risk of health care associated infection
ļ‚· Reduce the risk of patient harm resulting from falls
ļ‚· Reduce the harm associated with clinical alarm system

Unit- 10

Safety protocol
ļ‚· 5S (Sort, Set in order, Shine, Standardize, Sustain)
ļ‚· Radiation safety
ļ‚· Laser safety
ļ‚· Fire safety

  • Types and classification of fire
  • Fire alarms
  • Firefighting equipment
    ļ‚· HAZMAT (Hazardous Materials) safety
  • Types of spill
  • Spillage management
  • MSDS (Material Safety Data Sheets)
    ļ‚· Environmental safety
  • Risk assessment
  • Aspect impact analysis
  • Maintenance of Temp and
    Humidity (Department wise)
  • Audits
    ļ‚· Emergency Codes
    ļ‚· Role of Nurses in times of disaster

Unit- 11

Employee Safety Indicators
ļ‚· Vaccination
ļ‚· Needle stick injuries (NSI) prevention
ļ‚· Fall prevention
ļ‚· Radiation safety
ļ‚· Annual health check Healthcare Worker Immunization Program and management of occupational exposure
ļ‚· Occupational health ordinance
ļ‚· Vaccination program for healthcare staff
ļ‚· Needle stick injuries and prevention and post-exposure prophylaxis